How riding saved my life
This is me, about a year ago after the bowel surgery because of Crohn’s disease, an autoimmune disease that affects the tissues and for which there is still no definitive pharmacological treatment. I was jealous of my patches, I took care of them in the same way I took care of my head to try to be optimistic and leave away the bad thoughts that passed through my mind every moment in that room. The same room that kept me out of the game for a month and a half and that made the hospital my home. For me an endless period.
It was the hardest experience of my life, even though I don’t consider it the worst, because after all, it taught me so many things.
I honestly don’t know if I could do it again. When I am alone I think intensely about those days before and immediately after the operation. Everything is different, sadness returns and I have to hold back the tears: the same tears that accompanied me in the most difficult moments and during endless nights.
Returning from the hospital after 1 and a half months in bed and 3 months at home, I slowly resumed my daily life: friends, work and obviously my great love, the Bike.
I started again with the MTB alone, doing a few km at a time. My body did not allow me to take long rides.
Then I switched to the road bike. I bought a full carbon bike and I started riding with my father, then with local friends. My goal was to finish a Gran Fondo by relying on my preparation and my body, not as a competition, but to prove to myself that I could do it. I’ve made it.
I managed to finish the first, second and even the third Gran Fondo. Every time I passed the finish it was like being born for a second time.
As soon as I got back on my bike I was eager to be able to push more and more, but the problems caused by the saddle after an operation like mine had multiplied. So I discovered Bend36. I started to use the Chamois Cream, surprised at how he changed my way of cycling, I also tried the rest of the line.
Honestly, I never imagined to recover so quickly and get back in shape by cycling and gym, but mostly dropping the shit.
Now I look at myself and say that sport has saved my life.